Friday, August 10, 2007

It begins: An Overview

Well, if you don't know me, my name is Lex. I'm a 25 year old graphic designer, that's just about to finish my second degree, after six painful years in college. I'm an aspiring artist, both traditional, and comic book. I'm a big, huge, colossal geek. I love all things nerdy, and intellectual. I have more books than my tiny flat allows, and more artwork than I have walls for.
My children are a hyperactive Shih Tzu and a very angry Betta fish. I'm in love with a very strange hairy man, who is also my best friend. I love anime, and I belly dance. I collect kimono and make stained glass windows. I'm O.C.D. and hate mess, but am always a mess.

That paragraph above makes it really sound like I've got the whole "knowing myself" thing down right? But I am at war with myself in the kitchen.

I LOVE to cook. Not just a little, but a lot. Recipes taunt me for days until I purge them from my system by cooking them. I have no training, other than some cooking lessons from my grandma and the experience I've gotten undertaking adventures in my kitchen.

The problem is I struggle with my weight, but my all time favorite thing to bake are SWEETS! To top that off, I hate trying to make sweet things "lite". They never seem to taste right unless they are naturally low in fat.

So after haunting so many food blogs, and making many food related posts in my personal journal, I decided to seperate the two.

And focus on my kitchen duality, delicious healthy food and sinful sexy treats.

There will be a mixture of modified recipes, a few originals (I'm still new at this) and a lot of recipes I got elsewhere (all credited) that I try to make, and share my experiences as a Newbie cook on how well they went.

Stick around, and please let me know what you think of my mixture of good for you, and good for the soul foods!

1 comment:

Lyra said...

Hi Lex, I ran across your blog on the daring bakers blog roll. I can understand the fun in baking sweets-I can definitely relate. However, for me its a game to see how calorie-light I can make something and have it still taste delicious-then I take it to work and people can't believe it. A website I use that I find very helpful regarding weight and specifically just being healthy is (Its free which is handy). Check out my blog if you like. I love your bento boxes, btw.